Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy
Before talking about physiotherapy in the pelvic floor we must know what it is and where it is located. Many people are unaware of this part of the body and it is not given the importance it really has.
Advantages of orthodontics in children
How many times have we not heard: "Until our children's teeth come out, we cannot make their mouths."
Can children have voice problems?
The voice is the main tool that allows us to communicate, express our feelings and make our emotions, ideas and facts known to others.
Allergies in the present
The prevalence of allergic diseases worldwide continues to increase, estimating that between 30 and 40% of the population is affected by some of them.
minimally invasive dentistry
As its name indicates, Minimally Invasive Dentistry seeks to treat people, solving their problem, pathology, disease or alteration, with the least possible manipulation, with the least damage to tissues that dental techniques allow.