Oral surgery: a clear specialty for our medical and dental center Odontolgy 08/01/2024

Oral surgery is a medical-surgical specialty that focuses on the study, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of problems that affect the oral cavity, the bones of the jaw and related structures. It is a special specialty for medical and dental centers, as it allows us to address a wide range of problems that can affect the oral health of patients.
Types of oral surgery
Oral surgery offers a wide range of procedures, which can be classified into two broad categories:
- Minor oral surgery: This is a set of procedures that are performed with local anesthesia and do not require hospitalization. Some examples include:
- Tooth extraction
- Periodontal surgery
- Dental implant surgery
- Frens surgery
- Surgery for cysts and tumors
- Major oral surgery: This is a set of procedures that are performed with general anesthesia or deep sedation that may require hospitalization. Some examples are:
- Maxillofacial surgery
- Orthognathic surgery
- Oral trauma surgery
- Oral reconstructive surgery
- esthetic advantages
Aesthetic advantages
This dental treatment can offer a series of aesthetic advances for patients, among which they include:
- Improved sleep: Can correct problems with dental alignment, tooth separation or crooked teeth, helping to improve the aesthetics of the patient's sleep.
- Reduced facial imperfections: It can correct problems such as facial asymmetries, birth defects or scars that improve the patient's general appearance.
- Improved self-esteem: Helps improve the patient's self-esteem, as it allows them to feel more confident about how they appear.
Functional advantages
It can also offer a series of functional advantages for patients, among which they include:
- Mastication aid: Correct problems with cavities, toothaches or missing teeth. Això can help improve the patient's ability to digest food.
- Speech improvement: Correct problems with fractured teeth, tongue malformations or injuries to the vocal cords if the patient speaks clearly.
- Breathing improvement: Correct problems with toothaches, respiratory tumors or jaw injuries, so that the patient can breathe easier.
Importance of oral surgery in our medical and dental center
Oral surgery is a special specialty for our medical and dental center. This specialty allows us to address a wide range of problems that can affect the oral health of our patients. From our medical and dental center, we provide our patients with all the necessary information so that our patients can connect with the functional and aesthetic advantages offered by this specialty and in order to contribute to improving the quality of life.
We have a team of qualified and experienced professionals with modern technology at the disposal of our patients to offer a service of the highest quality.
As a multidisciplinary health center, we offer private medicine close to all family members, with more than 30 specialists and 40 professionals serving our patients.
We offer our services to the populations of Lliçà d'Amunt, Lliçà d'Avall, Montmelò, Montornès del Vallès, Mollet del Vallès, Granollers, Caldes de Montbuí and Parets del Vallès.
Do you need to make an appointment? You can use our online application or contact us if you need to make a query using our contact form.