Spring allergy and COVID 19 Allergies 16/06/2020

In recent months there have been abundant rains and compared to last year rainfall has increased by 40 to 200%.
As for the weather, it has also been warmer than previous years. All this has caused more humidity and also an increase in the level of atmospheric pollen. There are plants that have increased their pollen levels by up to 50%, which can have serious effects on allergic people.
On the other hand, during these two months of confinement, pollution has decreased significantly. And this has been positive for allergy sufferers. It is essential to follow the appropriate treatment even if people spend more hours at home.
It is also important to go out at times when there is less pollen in the air: early in the morning and late in the afternoon.
Above all, asthmatic people (the same are used for the ventilation of homes)
Clinically, it is possible to differentiate the symptoms between allergies and COVID-19.
Both cough, runny nose and shortness of breath can be distinguished because they are not the same type.
Dr. Joan González Garcés