Extension of hours of attention to our patients Patient care 12/05/2020

We inform you that starting next Monday, May 11, we begin the return to the new normal. We extend our opening hours to the public, by appointment, every afternoon and 2 mornings, having put in place exceptional infection prevention and control measures.
After evaluating the epidemiological characteristics of our population and with the aim of minimizing the risk to our patients and all our professionals, we have implemented the following security measures:
- We will not make any visit without an appointment
- When the center comes, you will come alone and with a mask.
- We will carry out a questionnaire prior to entering the center in relation to the possible symptoms that you may have and we will take your temperature.
- It will be required to maintain the safety distance between patient and patient at the time of their entry / exit in the center.
- You must follow the instructions of the health / administrative reception staff.
- The hydro alcoholic gel located at the entrance will be mandatory for everyone.
- In our center, the sterilization protocols validated by the Department of Health are followed for all instruments and strict hygienic measures have been implemented to disinfect cabinets and surfaces, using nebulized hypochlorous acid and the environment, using ultraviolet radiation lights in air ducts and hydroxyl radical emission equipment.
- The staff uses, for their safety and that of our patients, the mandatory protection measures (EPIS) proportionate to the risk.
- New channels of communication with patients have been enabled, such as video calls / telephone calls, in order to avoid unnecessary travel.
In this way, and with the aim of continuing to provide the health care that our population needs, we communicate our opening hours:
Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 9:00 to 13:00.
Afternoons from Monday to Friday from 16:00 to 20:00.
We ask that, when coming to the center, be careful of the recommendations set out above