Nova ressonància magnètica Oberta anti claustrofòbica: major confort i precisió en el diagnòstic Open magnetic resonance 07/10/2025

At CMD Parets, we continue to innovate to offer the best care to our patients. For this reason, we have incorporated the Hitachi Lucent 0.4T MRI, a state-of-the-art open magnetic resonance that improves the patient's experience without compromising the quality of the diagnosis.
This new team stands out for its open design and advanced technology, which makes it an ideal option for people who experience anxiety or claustrophobia in traditional resonances.
Advantages of the IRM Hitachi Lucent Open Magnetic Resonance 0.4T
Greater comfort and less anxiety
Unlike conventional magnetic resonances, which require the patient to remain inside a closed tunnel, the Hitachi Lucent 0.4T MRI has a totally open design. This significantly reduces the feeling of claustrophobia, making the test much more tolerable, especially for people with anxiety or fear of enclosed spaces.
Ideal for pediatric patients and people with reduced mobility
Open design facilitates access and allows family or medical staff to accompany patients during the exploration. This is especially useful in the case of children or people with reduced mobility, since the process becomes more bearable and safer.
More relaxed explorations without the need for sedation
Thanks to its structure, many patients who previously required sedation to undergo a resonance can now perform it with greater tranquility. This not only improves the safety of the procedure, but also reduces recovery time and possible side effects.
High quality images for accurate diagnostics
The 0.4-teslas technology of this magnetic resonance provides clear and detailed images for accurate diagnosis. It is an excellent option for studies of neurology, orthopedics, musculoskeletal, spine and other medical areas in which a clear visualization of internal tissues and structures is required.
Less noise and more experience for the patient
Noise in a conventional resonance can be annoying. The Hitachi Lucent 0.4T MRI has been designed to reduce the sound level during exploration, providing a much quieter experience for the patient.
A technology at the service of your health
At Centre Mèdic i Dental Parets, we are committed to innovation to make medical tests more accessible, comfortable and safe for all. Thanks to our new open anti- claustrophobic magnetic resonance, it is now possible to obtain accurate diagnoses without the discomfort of a traditional resonance.
Comprehensive medicine for the whole family
From our medical and dental center, we have professionals specialized in our medical team, ensuring an expert and personalized approach for each patient. In addition, with the availability of modern equipment and advanced techniques we guarantee the effectiveness of the treatment and the comfort of the patient. We have a team of qualified and experienced professionals with modern technology available to our patients to offer a maximum quality service.
Specialists in dental health
We have a team made up of specialists from all fields of dentistry. We aim to improve and provide the best service to our patients with a friendly and empathetic environment with a long professional career in all the specialties of dentistry and an excellent quality in our treatments.
As a multidisciplinary health center, we offer your local private medicine for all family members, with more than 30 specialties and 40 professionals at the service of our patients. We offer our services to the towns of Lliçà d’Amunt, Lliçà d’Avall, Montmelò, Montornès del Vallès, Mollet del Vallès, Granollers, Caldes de Montbuí and Parets del Vallès.
If you have any doubts or concerns about your health, do not hesitate to contact us, we have specialists at your disposal.
You can make an appointment through our online application or contact us if you need to make an appointment through our contact form.