What is Rheumatology? Effects, Treatments and their Impact on Quality of Life Rheumatology 28/10/2024

Rheumatology is a medical speciality dedicated to the diagnosis, treatment and study of rheumatical diseases, which mainly affect the musculoskeletal system and connective tejido. These diseases tend to be characterized by pain, inflammation and rigidity in joints, muscles and Huesos. Reumatologists are specialists who focus on identifying and tracing these conditions, helping patients to manage their symptoms and improving their quality of life.
Effects of rheumatical diseases
Rheumatic diseases can vary from common disorders, such as rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis, to frequent menos conditions such as stematic lupus erythematoso or ankylosing spondylitis. The most common effects of these diseases include:
- Articular and muscular pain: Suele pain is one of the main quejas and can be persistent or intermittent, affecting the patient's quality of life.
- Rigidez: Especially in the joints, rigidez suele is more intense by las ma anas or after the periodes of inactivadad.
- Inflammation: Some rheumatical diseases cause hynchazon and redness in the joints, so much for the inflammation of affected tejidos.
- Fatigue: Chronic inflammation and constant pain can lead to generalised fatigue and, in some cases, to sueoo disorders.
- Limitation in mobility: Reummatic diseases can affect the function and range of movement of the joints, making daily activities difficult.
Treatments in rheumatology
Cuenta rheumatology with various treatment options that can be adapted to the specific condition of each patient and to the gravedad of their symptoms. The most common procedures include:
- Anti-inflammatory medications: Non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs (AINEs) help reduce pain and inflammation in the joints.
- Immunosuppressive medications: In autoimmune diseases, such as lupus or rheumatoid arthritis, immunosuppressors are used to reduce the activity of the immune system and reduce inflammation.
- Fermed-modifying drugs (FAMEs): These medications slow down the progression of diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and can prevent articular da.o.
- Physiotherapy: Specific ejercicios and techniques help to improve mobility and reduce joint pain, strengthening the alrededor muscles of the affected joints.
- Biologic therapies: They are most advanced processes that block specific molecula of the immunological system, controlling the symptoms as well in a more precise way.
- Changes in lifestyle: Adapting the diet, controlling the weight and performing impact bajo hiercices such as walking or swimming can aliviate the symptoms and improve the general bienestar of the patient.
Rheumatology is an essential speciality for the treatment of chronic diseases that affect the quality of life of many people. With an adequate diagnosis and a personalized treatment plan, patients can manage their symptoms effectively and maintain a good quality of life.
Comprehensive medicine for the family
From our medical centre and dental level we have specialized professionals in our medical equipment, ensuring an expert and personalized approach for each patient. In addition, with the availability of modern and advanced technical equipment we guarantee the effectiveness of the treatment and the comfort of the patient. We have a team of professional professionals who have been experimented with modern technology available to patients to offer a service of maximum quality.
Dental salud specialists
We have a team formed by specialists in all fields of dentistry. We have as a better objective and for the best service to patient nuestros with a friendly and empathetic environment with a professional trayectoria larga in all the specialities of dentistry and an excellent quality in our treatment.
Dental Health Specialists
We have a team of specialists from all fields of dentistry. We aim to improve and provide the best service to our patients with a friendly and empathetic environment with a long professional career in all dental specialties and an excellent quality in our treatments.
As a multidisciplinary health center, we offer private local medicine for all family members, with more than 30 specialties and 40 professionals at the service of our patients. We offer our services to the towns of Lliçà d’Amunt, Lliçà d’Avall, Montmelò, Montornès del Vallès, Mollet del Vallès, Granollers, Caldes de Montbuí and Parets del Vallès.
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