Optical coherence tomography - CMD Parets ophthalmology 03/02/2023

Optical coherence tomography - what to do detect?
An optical coherence tomography is a non-invasive test that detects and evaluates pathologies such as maculopathies and glaucomas, hereditary dystrophies of the retina, diseases of the area vitreoretinal disease, serous chorioretinopathy and macular edema. The test usually takes about 20 minutes and in some cases, it may be done after the pupils have been dilated.
How is it done?
To perform the optical coherence tomography test, the patient should sit in front of the machine and support the head on a support. The machine will then scan the file. the eye no need to touch it. This test, in addition to being non-invasive, can detect and diagnose eye conditions such as:
- macular hole.
- macular fold.
- macular edema.
- macular degeneration.
- glaucoma.
- central serous retinopathy.
- diabetic retinopathy.
- vitreous traction.
Optical coherence tomography does not require any type of prior preparation by the patient, does not require anesthesia and as we have commented previously, in some cases it may be necessary pupil dilation to obtain images of the eye higher quality. In cases of early detection, tomography for optical coherence helps to establish treatment and guidelines appropriate for the treatment of the condition, in addition to carrying carry out a control and follow-up of the disease or condition detected with this test.
Our diagnosis and treatment
Centro Mèdic y Dental Parets, multidisciplinary health center, we offer you private medicine from proximity for all family members, with more than 30 specialties and 40 professionals at the service of our patients.
From our center, the specialty of ophthalmology we perform ophthalmological check-ups to detect possible pathologies and in a preventive way without delays.
We offer our services to the populations of Lliçà d'Amunt, Lliçà d'Avall, Montmelò, Montornès del Vallès, Mollet del Vallès, Granollers, Caldes de Montbuí and Parets del Vallès.
Do you need to make an appointment? You can do it through our application online or contact us if you need to make a query through our contact form.