Spring and allergies Allergies 08/04/2022

Coping with spring allergies
With the arrival of spring, in addition to the good weather and the time change, the dreaded spring allergies arrive, specifically the pollen allergy that affects nearly eight million people in Spain according to the SEAIC (Spanish Society of Allergy and Chronic Immunology). In addition, this type of allergy occurs to a greater extent in urban environments since pollution helps its effect to arise.
What? What symptoms do you have?
The most common symptoms of spring allergies are:
- Teary eyes.
- Runny noses
- Throat, nose and palate itching.
- Sneezing
- Difficulty breathing, coughing and wheezing.
What? What treatments can we use to treat allergies?
The methods that treat allergies are:
- Immunotherapy or allergy shot. Its treatment is carried out in the following way: the element that causes the allergy is administered subcutaneously or sublingually, first in small doses and increasing in larger doses to reach the maximum that A doctor specializing in allergy is established and immunity is achieved and even the disappearance of the allergy may occur. This is a long treatment, between 3 to 5 years.
- Anithistamines. These medicines relieve allergy symptoms. What they do is block the action of histamine, which is the chemical substance that our body generates and that causes allergy symptoms, relieving the symptoms.
- Decongestant products. Used above all to relieve and decongest the nose.
Can I relieve allergy symptoms?
- These are some very simple ways to relieve allergy symptoms that can help you better cope with your symptoms:
- Keep the doors and windows of the house closed and so on. prevent pollen from entering.
- Try to avoid going outside between five and ten in the morning and between seven and ten at night; This is when there is more pollination.
- Keep the car windows up.
- Wear sunglasses and a mask if you are outside for a long time.
- Keep up to date with the pollen count in your city. On the page you can check the pollen levels for each city.
Above all and most importantly, DO NOT SELF-MEDICATE and always consult a specialist in case you need help.
Parets Medical and Dental Center provides medical services in neighboring towns such as Lliçà d'Avall, Lliçà d'Amunt, Montornès del Vallès, Montmelò and Mollet del Vallès, among others, in addition to ;s of the population of Parets del Vallès.
If you want more information about our services, specialties or medical tests, do not hesitate to contact us. If you want to make an appointment, you can do it through our application.