Skin care in summer Dermatology 10/06/2021

Summer arrives and with it the skin is more exposed to the sun's radiation and therefore it is convenient to take more care to maintain its health.
Our skin is the first defense barrier against external aggressions (pollution, high temperatures, excess humidity due to perspiration, etc.) and for this we must take special care at this time of year.
Beyond suffering from melanoma, the skin ages and over time it loses elasticity and this favors the appearance of wrinkles. Leather that is not well cared for will become rough and parchment-like over time.
Tips to take care of our skin.
The fundamental factors that make our skin look healthy are cleanliness and hydration and, as a complement, ultraviolet protection in summer:
- Cleaning: shower every bath, either on the beach or in the pool or in case the activity we have done has involved excessive perspiration. It will help us avoid erythema, infections and dehydration.
- Hydration: take a shower, drink water and use moisturizing milks when you get out of the shower, when you have been exposed to the sun and before going to bed.
- Sun protection: Whether it has been fully exposed to the sun or in light sun exposures, it is necessary to protect the skin from ultra violet rays. A prolonged and very sudden exposure of our skin to the sun without any protective factor leads to fear of burns and, in the long term, the appearance of melanomas on the skin.
- Sunbathe: with 30 minutes and avoiding the hours of greatest solar radiation and using a sunscreen, our skin will not suffer the effects of solar radiation and we will be able to maintain proper hydration.
- Sweating: Making clothes of natural fabrics such as cotton, for example, and that they be wide clothes will favor air circulation and will avoid perspiration more than our skin does. We have to do the same with our feet: if they have sweated too much, they should be washed and dried well to keep them dry and avoid, for example, athlete's foot.
- Feeding: The intake of fresh fruits and vegetables is essential, do not drink alcohol in excess, since it favors perspiration and avoid foods that are fatty.
These are some of the guidelines that we can follow throughout the summer to maintain well-hydrated and healthy skin and avoid possible problems that our skin may cause in the future.
In our Centro Médico y Dental Parets of specialists related to the field of dermatology and body treatments. If you need to contact us, you can do so with the contact form or you can request an appointment through our online application.