Sports physiotherapy Physiotherapy 26/05/2017

Sports Physiotherapy is aimed at all those who practice sports on a regular basis. Athletes subject the structures of the musculoskeletal system to certain risks, which entails increasing the chances of injury.
For optimal performance, the athlete needs a rapid recovery from injuries, precise treatment and continuous assessment of their physical condition.
The physiotherapist works to recover the functionality of the athlete as soon as possible, accelerating the biological processes of recovery from the injury, shortening the time off from sports, limiting his training as little as possible and with the aim of reincorporating as quickly as possible with the older guarantees of success and with the least risk of recurrence.
The goals of sports physiotherapy are as follows:
- Avoid factors that could cause injury.
- Download massages to avoid overloads, stretching, work on possible musculoskeletal imbalances...
- The recuperation. It is the treatment of the injuries produced, the associated injuries and the possible recurrences.
- Relief massage, pain and inflammation treatment, techniques to improve sports performance (eccentric work, proprioception...), functional bandages, dry needling, kinesiotape...
- The readaptation. After the recovery phase, the objective will be to get the athlete to start their sports practice in the most suitable physical conditions (return to play).
Imanol Gómez Rueda | Physiotherapist at Centre Mèdic i Dental Parets