Dr. Google Auto diagnosis 01/01/2021

Headache? Stomach ache? The appearance of a wart or a small mole? There are many who have ever consulted some of these symptoms on the Internet.
Currently, 6 out of 10 people have ever consulted “Dr. Google” looking for a practical, fast and cheap solution to their problem, according to a survey by the National Observatory of Telecommunications and the Information Society. However, only 33% of these have managed to solve it. And it is that thanks to new technologies and the application that these have had in society, today, it is much easier to access information through any mobile device, tablet or computer.
This has undoubtedly been an enormous advantage, since the user has all the information in a matter of seconds, thus being aware of everything that was previously only found in books or in libraries. Precisely for that reason, it is why we must be able to discriminate what information is true and what is not, something complex today.
On the other hand, what can be done after having found the desired information about pathology on the internet? Going to a specialist is, without a doubt, the correct answer, since he is the only one capable of discriminating whether what we have found is true or not, and based on his assessment, diagnose the appropriate therapeutic plan for our case. Self-diagnosis is a frequent and very serious mistake that many make when having information, without filters or supervision, in an accessible way.
Despite this, it is a fact that the accessibility of information has meant a great advance for our society, as long as it is known where to look for it and it is verified by a specialist who prescribes the appropriate treatment.
Victor Ribera Prat
Victor Ribera Prat
Management Centre Mèdic i Dental Parets