Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy Physiotherapy 26/01/2018

Before talking about physiotherapy in the pelvic floor we must know what it is and where it is located. Many people are unaware of this part of the body and it is not given the importance it really has.
It is defined as a set of muscles, ligaments, and connective tissue that close the abdominal cavity and its main function is to support and maintain the pelvic organs, such as the bladder, uterus, vagina, and rectum, in a good position. When these structures are weakened or do not work properly, they alter our physical and mental system.
When there is any alteration in our pelvic floor, it is possible that we present some symptoms such as urinary incontinence, prolapses, fecal or gas incontinence, constipation or sexual dysfunctions. Physiotherapy in this field evaluates the state and treats dysfunctions of the pelviperineal area in women, especially in the postpartum and menopausal stage, and in men with urological dysfunctions.
Also, as a preventive measure during pregnancy, preparation for childbirth can be done to avoid a weakened pelvic floor or obstetric injuries, since the muscles must support the full weight of the baby and during childbirth must be relaxed to allow passage of the head through the vagina.
There are many ways to strengthen the pelvic floor, from the well-known hypopressive abdominal gymnastics to Kegel exercises. Many times they are not performed correctly, which is why the assessment of a physiotherapist is so important, so that they can explain and teach the appropriate exercises for each patient.