Body treatments

At the Centro Medico y Dental Paretswe have the cutting-edge technology provided by Medestec, a company founded by a team of professionals from the medicine, physiotherapy and aesthetics sectors, with the aim of developing, in its own I+D+I department, the best technology to obtain the best therapeutic and aesthetic results on the market.
The Método Medestec generates a vasodilator effect, which activates blood circulation, which nourishes and produces cell revitalization, improving tone and elasticity, reducing fat and generating important changes in skin tone and hydration. It also allows greater efficiency in cosmetic treatments, since thanks to its dilating effect on the pores, a greater penetration of the product is achieved.
Body treatments:
The deep diathermy treatments of the Medestec Method, , thanks to the transmitted energy converted into temperature, manage to break down the molecules that produce fat and cellulite, with visible results from the first application, since the immediate effect of diathermy is the retraction of collagen. At the body level, it immediately improves the appearance of the skin, gradually combating flaccidity, cellulite and adiposity.
Eliminate cellulite.
The Medestec Method allows quality aesthetic medical treatment to treat cases of flaccidity, orange peel skin or cellulite. Diathermy improves lymphatic drainage and helps increase fat burning. On an organic level, diathermy acts on the hypodermis, accelerating fat cell metabolism with the consequent reduction of cellulite nodules. This reduces fatty tissues and tightens deep tissues.
Centro Médico y Dental Parets provides medical services in neighboring towns such as Lliçà d'Avall, Lliçà d'Amunt, Montornès del Vallès, Montmelò y Mollet del Vallès,among others, in addition to the town of Parets del Vallès.
If you want more information about our services, specialties or medical tests, do not hesitate to contact us. If you want to make an appointment, you can do it through our app.