Gait Study

The biomechanical study of gait consists of the analysis of the foot in a static and dynamic position and its relationship with other structures of the body. The biomechanical study of gait allows an analysis of the foot both in a static position, without the person moving, and in a dynamic position, observing the patient's way of walking and analyzing a whole series of data provided by the study, as well as the relationship of the feet when walking with other structures, such as the knee, hip, and spine.
Biomechanical study of gait - study of the foot.
Performing this test can help prevent muscle and osteoarticular injuries such as repetitive sprains, toe pain, heel spurs, plantar fasciitis, tendonitis or joint overload injuries, among others.
With each step taken, the feet support a pressure that is equivalent to three times the weight of the person, which is why it is essential to walk properly. This study is of special relevance for people who are dedicated to sports professionally, since the way they run and support their feet can influence their performance and minimize the risk of injury; hence, the biomechanical study of gait is carried out in all high-performance centers for athletes.