Allergy Tests

Allergy Tests

There are three common skin allergy testing methods.

The skin prick test implies:

Apply a small amount of substances that may be causing its symptoms on the skin, often on the forearm, upper part of the arm, or back.  The skin is pricked so that the allergen penetrates beneath the surface of the skin. The care provider doctor examines skin closely for swelling and redness or other signs of a reaction. Results are seen within 15 or 20 minutes. Several allergens can be tested at the same time. The Allergens are substances that cause an allergic reaction.

The intradermal test implies:

Inject a small amount of allergen into the skin. He The provider then watches to see a reaction on the spot. This test is most likely to be used to find out if you are allergic to bee venom or penicillin. Or it can be used if the puncture in the skin test was negative and the provider still thinks you are allergic to the allergen.

The patch test It is a method of diagnosing the cause of the reaction after that the substance touches the skin:

Possible allergens are attached to the skin for 48 hours. The supplier will review The area in 72 to 96 hours.