
At the Centro Medico y Dental Parets, our team of traumatologists with extensive experience will help you solve mobility problems, fractures, bone or muscle pain, both traumatic and degenerative, through the prevention and treatment of relevant medical problems using drugs, diagnostic tests, rehabilitation, surgical treatments or infiltrations.
In joint injections the usual objective is to treat, usually with an anesthetic mixed with a steroid, an inflammatory process, reduce pain and speed healing.
The traumatologist will supervise your mobility problems, being able to carry out the relevant diagnostic tests such as ultrasounds or X-rays in our own center, referring the rehabilitation to our physiotherapy department and doing the appropriate follow-up
The Centro Medico y Dental Paretshas signed several agreements with the most important hospitals in the area to carry out the necessary surgical operations, being the same professional who visits you, the one who operates on you.
Our rehabilitation room,in charge of physiotherapists with extensive experience, has the most advanced technology so that your injury or fracture evolves quickly and painlessly: diathermy, shock waves, magnetotherapy, among others.
We also carry out processes of infiltration of growth factors or hyaluronic acid with which all those injuries, more common in athletes, recover more quickly and efficiently.