Speech therapy

Speech therapy therapy is the health discipline that deals with the prevention, evaluation and treatment of human communication disorders, manifested through pathologies and alterations in the voice, speech, language (oral and written), hearing and orofacial functions (swallowing, breathing...).
Our team of specialized speech therapists deals with rehabilitating the difficulties derived from all of them, such as:
Speech difficulties (pronunciation): speech delay, dyslalias, dysglossias, dysarthrias...
Oral language disorders (expression and comprehension): language delay, TDL, alternative communication systems...
Difficulties in reading and writing: dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia...
Voice disorders: organic dysphonia (nodules, polyps...), congenital dysphonia, laryngectomy (erygmophonic voice), vocal paralysis.
Rhythm and fluency disturbances: dysphemia (stuttering), tachyphemia.
Orofacial dysfunctions: OSAS, facial paralysis, orthognathic surgery, facial aesthetics...
Swallowing disorders: atypical/adapted swallowing, dysphagia...
Other neurological alterations: Aphasias, agraphias, neuro-degenerative diseases...